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  • September 11, 2023

As the benefits of solar energy continue to gain recognition in Australia, more homeowners are considering this renewable energy option to reduce their environmental impact, achieve greater energy independence, and lower their electricity costs. While the upfront costs of solar power systems have decreased over the years, the financial aspect remains a significant barrier for many Australian households looking to switch to solar energy. 

Understanding the various solar financing options available, from government incentives and rebates to loans and leasing schemes, can help overcome these financial challenges and make solar energy solutions more accessible and affordable.

This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide to the financing options available for Australian homeowners interested in adopting solar energy systems. We will discuss government incentives and rebates offered at both federal and state levels, and delve into different financing methods such as green loans, traditional personal loans, and home equity loans. 

Furthermore, we will explore alternative financing structures like power purchase agreements (PPAs) and solar leasing schemes, which may enable homeowners to access solar energy solutions without upfront capital investment. As we navigate the landscape of solar financing options, we will also offer practical guidance on evaluating these options and tips for making a successful solar energy investment.

By gaining a clear understanding of the various solar financing options at your disposal, you can make more informed decisions regarding your solar energy investment and take advantage of the financial support available. This knowledge and insight will ultimately empower you on your journey toward embracing solar energy solutions and reaping the varied environmental, social, and economic benefits that they offer to Australian homeowners. 

Join us as we guide you through the world of solar financing options and help you overcome financial barriers to embark on a greener, more sustainable, and cost-effective path with solar energy.

Government Incentives and Rebates for Solar Energy Systems

1. Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES)

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) is an Australian federal government initiative that incentivises eligible households and businesses to install eligible small-scale renewable energy systems like solar power, wind, and hydroelectric systems. Under the SRES, homeowners are provided with Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) for each installed solar energy system. 

The number of STCs generated depends on the system’s size, location, and installation date. STCs have a monetary value and can be sold to offset the solar system’s upfront cost, making it more affordable for homeowners.

2. Federal and State-based Solar Rebates and Incentives

In addition to the SRES, various federal and state-based solar rebates and incentives are available to Australian homeowners to further reduce the costs of solar energy systems. These incentives can vary by region, system size, and eligibility criteria, so it’s essential to research your state or territory’s specific programs. Examples of state-based incentives include solar feed-in tariffs, energy efficiency rebates, and low-interest loans for solar system purchases.

Solar Loans: Financing Your Solar Energy System

1. Green Loans

Green loans are specifically designed for homeowners who wish to finance environmentally friendly projects such as solar energy system installations. These loans often offer competitive interest rates and flexible payment terms, making it easier for homeowners to manage the costs associated with solar power systems. 

Green loans are available through various financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, and speciality lenders. Be sure to compare different loan offers and provider options to secure a green loan that best suits your financial needs.

2. Traditional Personal Loans

Traditional personal loans can be used to finance solar energy system installations for those who may not be eligible for green loans or desire alternative financing options. Various financial institutions offer personal loans and can be tailored to your specific requirements and budget. 

While the interest rates and terms for personal loans might not be as competitive as green loans, they can still provide a viable option for homeowners looking to fund their solar projects.

3. Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans allow homeowners to utilise their home’s equity as collateral for financing solar power system installation. These loans can offer lower interest rates than traditional personal loans and may provide additional benefits, such as potential tax deductions on the loan’s interest. However, it is crucial to consider the risks associated with using your home as collateral, as failure to repay the loan could result in the loss of your property.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Solar Leasing Schemes

1. The concept of PPAs and their advantages

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are an alternative financing structure where a third-party company owns, installs, and maintains the solar energy system on your property. In return, homeowners agree to purchase solar-generated electricity from the company at a predetermined rate, usually lower than the prevailing grid electricity prices. 

PPAs can be an attractive option for homeowners who want to benefit from solar power without the upfront capital investment or long-term maintenance responsibilities. This arrangement can result in immediate electricity cost savings while still supporting renewable energy adoption.

2. Solar Leasing and its Basics

Similar to PPAs, solar leasing schemes involve a third-party company owning and maintaining the solar energy system on your property. However, homeowners pay a fixed monthly fee to lease the solar system instead of purchasing the solar-generated electricity through a PPA. 

Solar leasing agreements typically last for a predetermined period, after which homeowners can choose to extend the lease, buy the system, or have it removed. This financing option, like PPAs, allows for more accessible solar power adoption while eliminating the burden of upfront costs and ongoing maintenance.

Evaluating Solar Financing Options: Key Factors to Consider

1. System Costs vs. Savings

When evaluating various solar financing options, it’s essential to weigh the upfront and ongoing costs against the anticipated savings from your solar system. This assessment should consider factors such as interest rates and repayment terms for loans, electricity cost savings through PPAs, and monthly leasing fees associated with solar leasing schemes.

2. Loan Terms and Interest Rates

Compare loan terms, interest rates and fees across different financing options to find the most suitable solution for your budget and financial circumstances. Be sure to factor in the total interest payable over the loan’s term and any additional charges or fees that may apply.

3. Contract and Leasing Conditions

For PPAs and solar leasing agreements, carefully examine the contract terms and conditions, including lease duration, buyout provisions, and maintenance responsibilities. Additionally, consider factors such as potential future electricity price fluctuations and termination or cancellation clauses in the agreements.


Navigating the financial challenges of adopting solar energy solutions may seem daunting, but with a broad range of financing options available, your dream of a greener, more sustainable future is well within reach. By thoroughly exploring government incentives, rebates, loans, and alternative financing structures, homeowners can find a pathway to solar energy adoption that suits their unique needs and budget. 

As a trusted Australian renewable energy solutions provider, SR Portables is here to guide and support you throughout the decision-making process, ensuring you have the knowledge and resources necessary to make your solar investment a reality.

Ready to embark on your solar energy journey? SR Portables is committed to providing top-quality solar products, expert advice, and support to help Australian homeowners achieve sustainable energy independence. Contact us today to discover the right solar financing option for your circumstances and make your solar energy goals a reality.

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