Sunpower Blog Images 2
  • April 7, 2022

Solar power is free. Well, that is, once you’ve finished installing the solar power system. Earlier, the costs of solar panels and generators were prohibitive. The installation costs, process and quality were not transparent resulting in higher installation and maintenance costs. All these expenses added to the perception of solar power being for the rich only.

Today, because of the technological advancements in this sector, many homeowners are now able to use solar power at a very affordable cost. In some places, the government offers subsidies to homeowners and offices that use solar energy, and in some others, you can sell electricity back to the grid. Globally, many such programs are being launched to encourage homeowners to opt for solar energy. The most popular incentive are rebates that will be given when the solar power generation and consumption have exceeded a certain threshold.

An excellent example of large-scale adoption is in Los Angeles, California, where many homes now enjoy solar power to its fullest potential. It is always sunny in this area, and it rarely rains. Earlier, solar panels were an unsightly eyesore, but today, thanks to technological advances, panels are stylish and can blend well with the existing design of the house. In addition, many homes in California now opt for solar power because of the constant blackouts.

Some celebrities out of LA like Edward Norton, Julia Roberts, Larry Hagman, and Jackson Browne were the early adopters of solar energy simply because they could afford it. Today, the scenario is different – technology has advanced so much that it has brought a massive difference in cost and the size and form factor. They have become more affordable, easily available and easy to use. You can order them off online marketplaces like Amazon, Lazada et al. and a majority of these are just plug and play. This eliminates the need for an installation engineer.

The new solar power systems can store the sun’s energy effectively in batteries which have evolved significantly over the last few years. from being bulky, heavy and inefficient sleek, compact and portable forms. Improving the energy storage capabilities is going to be crucial for the faster adoption of solar energy as batteries can store energy during sunlight hours and use the stored energy to power their appliances during peak consumptions hours in the evenings and night. This will further reduce dependence on the grid and/or external diesel generators and reduce the energy costs for the consumer.

Solar Power Generators
A Solar Power Generator From SR Portables In Use in Rural India

The easy availability, form factors, and affordability has seen an uptick in the adoption of solar energy in India. The driving factors in India differ from that of LA – electricity cost and reliability of supply being the chief among them. In this scenario, the adoption of solar power gains an even greater imperative. From the teeming metropolis to remote villages in the hills, one can see many more solar panels in houses and buildings than you’d seen about five years back.

Going green these days is vital to saving the environment. Global warming has taken its toll, and people worldwide are now feeling the consequences. The majority of the electricity generated globally is produced by burning fossil fuels. The emissions from the burning of fuels contribute to global warming. The Science Daily estimates that the CO2 emission from the world’s electrical power industry is 10 billion tonnes yearly. Using solar power is a very effective way to help save the environment so that you can no longer depend entirely on conventional electricity. When you use solar power, you can decrease electrical consumption, and in turn, you can save a lot of money. So say goodbye to expensive electricity bills and save money.

Solar power for homes is for everyone and not just for the rich and famous like it was back in the day.

SR Portables has a range of Lithium Ion solar power generators that are stylish, portable, and plug & play. Visit our site to know more or email us to find the right solution for your needs.

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